Saturday, December 25, 2004

Member of the Muslim Scholars Commission killed in IraqIraq, Military, 12/25/2004
Iraqi security and medical sources said that four Iraqis including a six year old child were killed and other 11, including two of the national guards were injured in various incidents took place in the north of Baghdad.One Iraqi was killed and other four injured in armed confrontations between gunmen rejecting foreign presence in Iraq and the Iraqi national guards in al-Dalou'eya city to the north of Baghdad.Sheikh Muwaffaq Muzafar al-Douri, member of the Muslim scholars commission was killed by the fire of one American soldier while they were breaking into his house in al-Amereyah quarters to the west of Baghdad. The incident took place before he was to head to perform Friday's sermon in Abi Baker al-Saddiq mosque in al-Radwaneyah area to the south of the capital.In Samera, one child was killed and other three civilians injured in a bomb explosion while a car was running on the road between Sameraa and Tikrit to the north of the capital.In al-Sadeya city to the north of Baghdad, Sheikh Zeid Khaleifa Mohsin al-Bunni was killed by bullets of unidentified persons on Thursday evening. One American source said that the Sheikh was a member in the city's municipal council.


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