Saturday, January 08, 2005

Daily Operations Summary for January 7, 2005Baghdad, Iraq -- Today, Multi-National Force (MNF) discovered and cleared 12 improvised explosive devices (IED) and 11 weapons caches. MNF also conducted six cordon and searches and four raids on suspected anti-Iraqi forces (AIF) facilities detaining 79 suspected AIF. Multi-National Forces conducting precision raids in and around Montessim detained 25 suspected anti-Iraq force personnel and seized a large weapons cache consisting of numerous small arms and mortar rounds.Multi-National Forces on patrol identified and pulled a suspicious vehicle over near Ramadi. IEDs were discovered and disposed of without incident. The three male occupants of the vehicle were detained.Multi-National Forces found and cleared four large weapons caches south of Abu Ghraib. The caches consisted of rocket launchers, mortar rounds and IED making materials.Iraqi Armed Forces conducted a raid near Baghdad detaining 11 suspected anti-Iraq forces.Iraqi Police Service stopped a suspicious vehicle near Baghdad with explosive materials, which was later disposed of without incident. Multi-National Forces conducting a cordon and search operation near An Nasiriyah discovered a large weapons cache consisting of RPGs, mortar shells, hand grenades, artillery shells and fuses. The weapons were secured and taken to a safe location for destruction. In partnership with the Iraqi government, the Multi-National Force – Iraq conducts full spectrum counter-insurgency operations to isolate and neutralize former regime extremists and foreign terrorists. The Force also organizes, trains and equips Iraqi security forces to create a security environment that allows all Iraqi people to live in peaceRelease #050108a


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