Monday, January 17, 2005

Jan 17, 2005
Iraqi Girl Gets Help From Close to HomeAL RASHID, Baghdad -- One of the tasks the 5th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, civil affairs office gladly takes on is helping get medical attention to Iraqi civilians who need it...more
Iraqi Security Forces Find Illicit WeaponsBaghdad, Iraq -- Iraqi soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Battalion, working with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force near Fallujah...more
Sunday Accident Takes second TFB SoldierBaghdad, Iraq -- A Task Force Baghdad Soldier, injured when an up-armored humvee flipped over into a canal in western Baghdad...more
Multi-National Forces Find Weapons Cache Mosul, Iraq -- Multi-National Forces from 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)...more
Multi-National Force Soldiers Detain 23Mosul, Iraq -- Multi-National Forces from 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), detained 23 individuals during operations in northern Iraq...more Arabic/ع
Seven IP Officers Killed, 28 Wounded in Attack in BayjiTikrit, Iraq -- Seven Iraqi police officers were killed and 28 others were wounded when anti-Iraqi forces detonated a vehicle borne improvised explosive...more Arabic/ع
Two Separate Attacks Lead to Death of Three InsurgentsMosul, Iraq -- Multi-National Forces from 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)...more Arabic/ع
Attack Kills Seven Iraqi Army Soldiers, CivilianTikrit, Iraq -- Seven Iraqi Army Soldiers and a civilian were killed when anti-Iraqi forces attacked their vehicle using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire south of Baqubah...more
Civilian Trucks Attacked by AIF Tikrit, Iraq -- Three civilian trucks were damaged and the drivers report that one of the drivers is missing after Anti-Iraqi forces attacked their vehicles...more
Mulit-National Forces Detain AIF Suspect Tikrit, Iraq -- Multi-National Forces detained one suspected anti-Iraqi forces insurgent during a search at a business establishment in Balad Ruz...more
What Gen. George W. Casey Jr., commanding general of Multi-National Forces-Iraq, is saying About security for the January elections“In June, there were several safe havens for terrorists and insurgents. Now Samarra’s gone as a safe haven, Fallujah’s gone...more
Three Detained Near Ad Dujayl Tikrit, Iraq – Three individuals were detained after aerial observation of possible black-marketing of fuel near Ad Dujayl...more Arabic/ع
2nd MOI Battalion Soldier Injured Near SamarraTikrit, Iraq – One Soldier from the 2nd Iraqi Ministry of the Interior Commando Battalion was injured when his patrol vehicle struck a land mine near Samarra...more
Clean Water Coming to FallujahBaghdad, Iraq -- The Iraqi Ministry of Water and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have combined forces to bring sanitary drinking water to the people of Fallujah...more Arabic/ع
Marines Support Fallujah’s “First Responders”Fallujah, Iraq -- The 4th Civil Affairs Group of the I Marine Expeditionary Force, in coordination with the Fallujah City Fire Chief and the Al Anbar Regional Fire Chief...more Arabic/ع
Vehicle Accident Claims Life of Soldier Baghdad, Iraq -- A Task Force Baghdad Soldier died when an up-armored humvee flipped over into a canal in western Baghdad at approximately...more
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