Sunday, April 09, 2006

Damn it, I swore to much again!

Damn it, i swore to much again, Google has saturated my site with PSA's (Public Service ads)
I got a buddie that has a handfull of sites and makes 300 a day with Google Adsense .
He works a couple hours a day, then hangs out at the bar flirting with hot women, Owns a very cool Porsche and a Retro 1968 truck, i want to be him, but i can' seem to be able to keep from swearing once in a while which blows my Adsense out of the water for the next 24 hours. Ya don't make any money on PSA's he always tells me, dah, I'm a moron me a favor, once the PSA's clear out, hit all my Google ads, I'm tired of working for a rich stuffy, uptight Republican! Send me an e-mail with a link and i will return the favor...........................


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