Thursday, July 06, 2006


Release Date: 7/6/2006

Release Number: 06-07-06P

Description: CAMP TAJI, Iraq – Soldiers from 3rd Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division conducted a cordon and search operation west of Baghdad at approximately 2 p.m. Friday, finding a large cache.

The cache consisted of two 82mm mortar tubes, 19 82mm mortar rounds, eight rocket-propelled grenade rounds, an RPG launcher, 31 60mm mortar rounds, 91 mortar fuses, 48 M6 fuses, two bullet-proof vests, eight AK-47 assault rifles, five fragmentation grenades, five concussion grenades, a sniper scope, a pipe bomb, a mortar base plate, seven sticks of dynamite, 57 shotgun shells, three rolls of fuse, 3,750 7.62mm rounds, two Dragonov sniper rifles, and 300 PKC rounds.

The 3rd Bde., 6th IA Div. and the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, continue to conduct operations to provide a safe and secure environment for all Iraqis.