Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Jan 4, 2005
Civil Affairs Teams Supply Power to Northern Iraq VillageMosul, Iraq -- Soldiers from Company A, 426th Civil Affairs Battalion, brought electricity to a village in northern Iraq...more
New Medical Clinic Opens in Marina, IraqMosul, Iraq -- In the small village of Marina, northern Iraq, the people now have a functional health clinic...more
One Marine killed in Al Anbar ProvinceFallujah, Iraq - One Marine assigned to the I Marine Expeditionary Force was killed in action Tuesday, January 4, while conducting security and stabilization operations in the Al Anbar Province...more
AIF suspect detained near Tikrit Tikrit, Iraq – First Infantry Division Soldiers detained a suspected anti-Iraqi force financier at a traffic control point near Tikrit on January 3 at about 7:40 p.m...more
Insurgents are their Own Worse EnemyBaghdad, Iraq – Two insurgents determined on committing a terrorist act in Baghdad Monday, Jan 3 wound up as the only victims as their vehicle exploded before they reached their target...more


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